Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Rescued Sewing Pattern

Proof of my sewing pattern fondness - this scruffy, bandaged old Simplicity:
rescued sewing pattern - Toile La La

Yesterday, I once again professed my love of old sewing patterns - for their illustrations, instructions, and too - little bits of the human touch, such as the handwriting on this one. Notice the consistency of the letter "t" - uncrossed, at the end of the words "fit", "skirt", and "it". And aren't those shoes rather appealing... but the main reason I purchased this pattern (for 10 cents!) was the collar - described as "Italian-type". So feminine, like leaves framing a flower bud. Ironically, the formerly most-coveted component of the pattern - the skirt, is gone. You'll see the pattern owner's writing which says, "Very good skirt. I think you will like it! Easy to make! I want this back when you are through with it." So, perhaps either the original owner or the borrower decided to keep just the skirt pattern pieces.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

An Exercise in Spontaneity

I'm writing about spontaneity today - as it came to mind in my observation of what I know at this moment due to life and memory, compared to what is known due to googling, reading, or research. I emerged from deep thought regarding my love of research regarding garment construction and fashion history - which resulted from an overheard conversation in a used bookstore. (I wasn't trying, they were talking very loudly.) Two ladies discussed their luck in avoiding the donation of boxes of sewing patterns - saying where would they have stored them and agreeing they're no good after someone's cut into them. Regarding their space, the first comment made sense. However, I truly LOVE examining a used sewing pattern - and know there are multitudes of other people who sew and feel the same. Here are the reasons: the illustrations are fashion history documentation, the instructions very often impart little sewing tricks many people have forgotten, the garment pattern shapes also document fashion history - such as collar shapes, pant widths, and dart location. Which leads to my theme of spontaneity: I began to wonder if there is a museum somewhere dedicated to the commercial sewing pattern - and namely, a museum not affiliated with any particular pattern company...but, first I wanted to think these thoughts without googling the answer - to relish in the spontaneity.

Another cheer for spontaneity: I've switched my exercise routine to focus on dance and spontaneous movement in response to music. Following many many years of teaching various forms of fitness, there are a lot of movements stored in my kinetic memory - my own written and memorized libraries of routines set to music, as well as collected information from other proponents of fitness. However, after all those years (including several spent enthusiastically immersed in kickboxing, yoga, and Zumba), I've made the most important discovery about myself - music is my ultimate motivation. Fresh sound prompts fresh movement.