Friday, March 27, 2015

Barbie Progress Update

Progress report: Barbie now has a bosom which seems average - neither too large or too small, and - thank goodness! her feet are like real feet and made for walking - even though we all know most of her time is spent supine or sitting around. 

At least Barbie's recent self I saw is making progress. As constantly-changing as Tilda Swinton in Orlando, Barbie has for the most part mirrored pop culture's perfect woman (which seemed odd from the get-go, since she is a toy). To describe Barbie depends upon one's perspective and point in time. 

Maybe - once again, Barbie is showing us something about collective ideals, but the Barbie of now seems to be a better role model. Her feet are finally freed from the tiptoe position of the 70s and 80s (and her bosom - practical). She looks like a girl who can jump and run. Barbie has proven she can improve and that perfection is a point of perspective.